- class pympi.Praat.TextGrid(file_path=None, xmin=0, xmax=None, codec='utf-8')¶
Read write and edit Praat’s TextGrid files.
All times are in seconds and can have decimals
Variables: - xmin (float) – Minimum x value.
- xmax (float) – Maximum x value.
- tier_num (int) – Number of tiers.
- tiers (list) – Internal (unsorted) list of tiers.
- codec (str) – Codec of the input file.
- __init__(file_path=None, xmin=0, xmax=None, codec='utf-8')¶
Construct either a new TextGrid object or read one from a file/stream. When you create an empty TextGrid you must at least specify the xmax. When you want to load a TextGrid from file you need to specify at least the file_path and optionally the codec. Binary, short and normal TextGrids are supported.
Parameters: - file_path (str) – Path to read from, - for stdin. If None an empty TextGrid will be created.
- xmin (int) – Xmin value, only needed when not loading from file.
- xmax (int) – Xmax value, needed when not loading from file.
- codec (str) – Text encoding for the input. Note that this will be ignored for binary TextGrids.
Raises Exception: If filepath is not specified but no xmax
- add_tier(name, tier_type='IntervalTier', number=None)¶
Add an IntervalTier or a TextTier on the specified location.
Parameters: - name (str) – Name of the tier, duplicate names is allowed.
- tier_type (str) – Type of the tier.
- number (int) – Place to insert the tier, when None the number is generated and the tier will be placed on the bottom.
Returns: The created tier.
Raises ValueError: If the number is out of bounds.
- change_tier_name(name_num, name2)¶
Changes the name of the tier, when multiple tiers exist with that name only the first is renamed.
Parameters: - name_num (int or str) – Name or number of the tier to rename.
- name2 (str) – New name of the tier.
Raises IndexError: If the tier doesn’t exist.
- from_file(ifile, codec='ascii')¶
Read textgrid from stream.
Parameters: - ifile (file) – Stream to read from.
- codec (str) – Text encoding for the input. Note that this will be ignored for binary TextGrids.
- get_tier(name_num)¶
Gives a tier, when multiple tiers exist with that name only the first is returned.
Parameters: name_num (int or str) – Name or number of the tier to return. Returns: The tier. Raises IndexError: If the tier doesn’t exist.
- get_tier_name_num()¶
Give all tiers with their numbers.
Yield: Enumerate of the form [(num1, tier1), ... (numn, tiern)]
- get_tiers()¶
Give all tiers.
Yields: All tiers
- remove_tier(name_num)¶
Remove a tier, when multiple tiers exist with that name only the first is removed.
Parameters: name_num (int or str) – Name or number of the tier to remove. Raises IndexError: If there is no tier with that number.
- sort_tiers(key=<function <lambda> at 0x3164a28>)¶
Sort the tiers given the key. Example key functions:
Sort according to the tiername in a list:
lambda x: ['name1', 'name2' ... 'namen'].index(
Sort according to the number of annotations:
lambda x: len(list(x.get_intervals()))
Parameters: key (func) – A key function. Default sorts alphabetically.
- to_eaf(skipempty=True, pointlength=0.1)¶
Convert the object to an pympi.Elan.Eaf object
Parameters: - pointlength (int) – Length of respective interval from points in seconds
- skipempty (bool) – Skip the empty annotations
Returns: pympi.Elan.Eaf object
Raises: - ImportError – If the Eaf module can’t be loaded.
- ValueError – If the pointlength is not strictly positive.
- to_file(filepath, codec='utf-8', mode='normal')¶
Write the object to a file.
Parameters: - filepath (str) – Path of the fil.
- codec (str) – Text encoding.
- mode (string) – Flag to for write mode, possible modes: ‘n’/’normal’, ‘s’/’short’ and ‘b’/’binary’
- class pympi.Praat.Tier(xmin, xmax, name=None, tier_type=None)¶
Class representing a TextGrid tier, either an Interval or TextTier
Variables: - name (str) – Name of the tier.
- intervals (list) – List of intervals where each interval is (start, [end,] value).
- tier_type (str) – Type of the tier(‘IntervalTier’ or ‘TextTier’).
- xmin (int) – Minimum x value.
- xmax (int) – Maximum x value.
- __init__(xmin, xmax, name=None, tier_type=None)¶
Creates a tier, if lines is None a new tier is created.
Parameters: - name (str) – Name of the tier.
- tier_type (str) – Type of the tier(‘IntervalTier’ or ‘TextTier’).
Raises TierTypeException: If the tier type is unknown.
- add_interval(begin, end, value, check=True)¶
Add an interval to the IntervalTier.
Parameters: - begin (float) – Start time of the interval.
- end (float) – End time of the interval.
- value (str) – Text of the interval.
- check (bool) – Flag to check for overlap.
Raises Exception: If overlap, begin > end or wrong tiertype.
- add_point(point, value, check=True)¶
Add a point to the TextTier
Parameters: - point (int) – Time of the point.
- value (str) – Text of the point.
- check (bool) – Flag to check for overlap.
Raises Exception: If overlap or wrong tiertype.
- clear_intervals()¶
Removes all the intervals in the tier
- get_all_intervals()¶
Returns the true list of intervals including the empty intervals.
- get_intervals(sort=False)¶
Give all the intervals or points.
Parameters: sort (bool) – Flag for yielding the intervals or points sorted. Yields: All the intervals
- remove_interval(time)¶
Remove an interval, if no interval is found nothing happens.
Parameters: time (int) – Time of the interval. Raises TierTypeException: If the tier is not a IntervalTier.
- remove_point(time)¶
Remove a point, if no point is found nothing happens.
Parameters: time (int) – Time of the point. Raises TierTypeException: If the tier is not a TextTier.